05 junho, 2008

some people have a hard time explaining rock and roll. i don't think that anyone can really explain rock and roll. maybe pete townsend - but that's okay.

rock and roll is a lifestyle and a way of thinking. it's not about money and popularity - although some money would be nice - but it's a voice that says 'here i am, and fuck you if you can't understand me'.

one of these people is gonna save the world, and that means that rock and roll can save the world, all of us together. but what it all comes down to is that thing, the indefinable thing when people catch something from your music... what i'm talking about is: wait, what am i talking about?

- jeff bebe, no filme almost famous [quase famosos].

Um comentário:

Carla C. disse...

Tá chique, hein!!! Com esse layout novo!
Sobre o post anterior, se tem algo que eu admiro em você é sua falta de pretensão. E isso não significa que você não tem vontade ou sonhos. Você possui vários. E busca seus desejos sem prejudicar ninguém. Isso é tão raro, Audoca!